That’s the one thing I keep saying to my students. In fact, every time I say it, I add that had I had a pound every time I've said those words, I would be retired by now!
Because language learning at school is mostly theoretical and you hardly get to use the language you’ve learned, you think you don’t know much or anything at all. But the fact is, you've spent seven years, sometimes longer, accumulating a lot of language, stored at the back of your brains, waiting to be used.
What you need to practise therefore, is accessing said language, organising it, and understanding when to use it correctly. And while doing so, you sometimes need to consolidate a particular tense or grammar point.
And as soon as you practise all four skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing - equally, you will realise that you actually know a lot and that speaking a different language is possible after all. So what are you waiting for?
Don't hesitate to send me your questions.
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